Winnipeg, October 29th, 2007
2007 Slovak Consular Dinner 
The Annual Slovak Consular Dinner, hosted by our Honorary Consul Mr. Jozef Kiska, was held on Saturday, October 27th at the Marlborough Hotel in downtown Winnipeg. A record attendance of 104 guests included members of the local Slovak community, ex-patriots of Manitoba Slovak community now living in Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, friends from the local Czech community, members of the Winnipeg consular core. Special guests at this year’s dinner were Rudolf Schuster, former President of Slovakia, Ivan Chomo Head of the Visa and Consular Section from the Slovak Embassy in Ottawa, the Hon. Vic Toews, PC, QC, MP, Member of Parliament for Provencher and President of the Treasury Board, and the Hon. Doug Martindale MLA for Burrows representing the Hon. Gary Doer, the Premier of Manitoba.
Our organization was represented by Mr. Joe Dobrovolny, President of CCBA. The highlight of the evening was a presentation by the former President Suster of the Presidential medallions to two members of our community. Honorary consul Mr. Joe Kiska and Mr. Andy Koprajda were the recipients of the medallions, honored for their contribution to the Slovak community in Winnipeg.
Earlier during the day, the members of our community had an opportunity to meet with the Consul Mr. Ivan Chomo to discuss issues of interest or to process passport applications. To contact the Slovak Embassy in Ottawa, please follow the link in the left upper corner on this page: Ministerstvo Zahranicnych Veci Slovenskej Republiky. For a glimps of this special evening see the Picture Album.
RETROSPEKTIVA - Vážení krajané, V čase přicházejícího jara nastává kařdoročně také změna ve výboru naší krajanské organizace. S nastávajícími volbami ti, kteří ji věnovali v posledním termínu energii a svůj volný čas, zaslouženě odchází a předávají místo novým ochotným dobrovolníkům. Pokračování.....
RANDEZVUOS WITH HISTORY - In aneffort to reestablish the centuries-old ties of central European cultures here in Winnipeg, The Friends of Austria Inc. together with The Czech and Slovak Benevolent Association (CCBA), Czech and Slovak Association of Canada, The Slovenian Canadian Association of Manitoba, The Hungarian Canadian Cultural Society of Manitoba, Consulate of the Slovak Republic and The Hungarian Kapisztran Folk Ensemble of Winnipeg, this past Saturday, May 6th, 2006 presented the first “Kaiser Ball”.
The gala evening held in the Crystal Ball Room, in the historic Fort Gary Hotel was well attended. Close to 260 people delighted in the performance of the Opening Waltz by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School, Soprano Soloist Helena Hall and and have danced the evening away to the musical accompaniment by the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.
PAROUBEK OČEKÁVÁ ŽE KANADA V LÉTĚ ZRUŠÍ VÍZA PRO ČECHY - Premiér Jiřrí Paroubek očekává, že Kanada by mohla ještě před prázdninami zrušit vízovou povinnost pro české občany. Po dnešním jednání vlády prohlásil, že by se tak mohlo stát během červnové návštěvy kanadského ministra zahraničí. Tím pádem nepředpokládá, že by Češi naopak recipročně zavedli víza pro Kanaďany.
NÁVŠTEVA VZÁCNÝCH HOSTÚ - V sobotu 22 dubna navštívil Winnipeg a krajany MZ pan Cyril Svoboda se svým doprovodem a také pan velvyslanec Pavel Vosalik s kulturním attache panem Janem Bubnem. Photo album z navstevy v klube.
KONSULÁRNÍ DEN ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY VE WINNIPEGU, v patek 14, dubna, 2006 - Ověření podpisů pro české doklady, informace o cestovních pasech, matričních dokladech, důchodech a pod.
Winnipeg, 28. března, 2006 - Fotky z návštevy pana velvyslance a kulturniho attache z Ottawy, kompliment pána Karla Bulandru.
2006 Annual Fundraising Dinner, held Saturday, March 4, 2006 was an unconditional success. Photo album courtesy of Mr. Karel Bulandra The best attended event in years attracted representatives from all levels of government, Czech and Slovak consulates and of course members of our community. The entertainment was provided by the Furiant and Venecek dancers, Mrs. Elsie Machovec and soprano Mrs. Mary Anne Taylor. The dinner was prepared by French chef. The evening raised in the neighborhood of $2,000.00. The money will go towards 2nd phase of building renovations. Big bouquet to the volunteers who made this event happen. Your dedication did not go without notice. Many thanks!
2006 CCBA Annual General Meeting and Elections, took place February 26,2006 at our social hall. Photo album courtesy of Mr. Karel Bulandra.
2005 CONSULAR DINNER - The Annual Slovak Consular Dinner was held last week, November 18, 2005 with over 70 Slovaks and friends in attendance. The CCBA president Betty Dobrovolny and her husband Joe are here seen with the Honorary Consul Mr. Jozef Kiška:

From the left: Jozef Dobrovolny, Jozef Kiška Honorary Consul SR and Betty Dobrovolny CCBA President .
For more pictures visit my Album.
BIRDS HILL PARK PICNIC, September 11, 2005 - Yesterday’s picnic at the Birds Hill Park was very successful. In attendance were many young people with their children. All of us had great time and fun participating in games prepared by the organizers. Especially popular was football (noheyball) for adults, wheel of fortune, target range throwing tennis balls at a pyramid made of plastic containers, running and bicycle races for children, parachute games, and so on. Generous selection of food and drinks, incredible weather, made for perfect Sunday afternoon. According to the responses, the event will definitely be on the next year’s calendar of activities, provided that the health of us the “older generation” will allow us to organize everything once again. We were most happy about the participation of the young people especially because it is the generation that we do not see too often taking part in the events organized by our parent organization, the CCBA. The Czech & Slovak community in Winnipeg is in dire need of new blood to survive and preserve everything that the previous generations have for so long diligently worked for and still continue to do so.
Kinematografií se už od dob němého filmu táhne pestrá nit pokusů o více či měně věrné adaptace tohoto Haškova slavného románu. Mezi nejznámější patří bezesporu Lamačův film z roku 1926 s Karlem Nollem v roli Švejka, Fričova adaptace se Sašou Rašilovem, natočená na počátku třicátých let či zdařilá animovaná verze Jiřího Trnky. V roce 1957 natočil dvoudílnou a dodnes neznámější adaptaci režisér Karel Steklý. Její první část (Dobrý voják Švejk) zpracovává první díl románu a vy se tedy můžete setkat Josefem Švejkem, pražským obchodníkem se psy a sledovat jeho osudy od chvíle, kdy je po sarajevském atentátu zatčen, vyšetřován a po čase přes diagnózu notorického blba povolán do armády. Dostává se do vězení, odkud je vyreklamován feldkurátem Katzem, jako jeho osobní sluha a když ten jej po čase prohraje v kartách, stává se neštěstím nadporučíka Lukáše.
“Muzika na Rohu”
Kvarteto Jirky Grosmana
Sobota, 15. října, 2005 v 7:00 hodin večer, ČS klub, 154 McKenzie St.
Na podzim se bude pro velký úspěch opakovat koncert kvarteta Jiřího Grosmana. Označte si v kalendáři: sobota, 15. října. Koncert bude organizovat společně Sdružení a CSPJ.
Nové pásmo vhodné jak pro starší tak i mladší generaci se jmenuje Ježek, Gershwin a ti druzí“. Titul napovídá, o jakou hudbu jde. Pásmo bylo s velkým úspěchem uvedeno v Torontě. Nebudou tam chybět ani oblíbené písničky pamětníků!
Vstupné: $ 28.00 Občerstvení v ceně ve formě bufetu o přestávce. Lístky objednávejte: v klubu 589 -7483 nebo u Evy Sailerové 487 - 0186
Dívka na koštěeti (1970)
(The Girl On The Broom)
Director: Václav Vorlíček. Screenplay: Miloš Macourek, Václav Vorlíček. Music: Angelo Michajlov. Lyrics of the title song: Pavel Kopta. Sung by: Petra Černocká. Starring: Petra Černocká (Saxana), Jan Hrušínský (Honza), Vladimír Menšík (the vampire), Jan Kraus (Miky), Vlastimil Zavřel (Adámek), Michal Hejný (Bujnoch), Jaromír Spal (Bláha), Vlastimil Hašek (Pešek), František Filipovský (Rousek), Zdeněk Dítě (the director), Jana Drbohlavová (the teacher), Josef Bláha (the director of the magic school), Jan Libíček (the psychiatrist).
In the beginning we get into the world of fairy-tales, or to a schoolroom of young witches, respectively. Young pupil Saxana just failed in a magic test and she must spend the next 300 years in detention. She is attracted by a narration of a vampire, who once visited the human world, and so she decides to steal the Book of Magic and get from the World of Fairy-Tales to learn more about humans. Here she finds herself in a school and meets a young boy called Honza. She asks him for an Old Woman's Ear, because the vampire told her that if she eats it, she can stay here forever. Otherwise she will return back to the World of Fairy-Tales after 48 hours (and will stay in detention). Since Honza can't help her, she joins a trio of louts, Honza's schoolmates, who promise it to her. But boys steal her Book of Magic and cause almost a disaster in the town. However, after a wild pursuit Honza and Saxana will get the book back and, in the end, Saxana learns that the Old Woman's Ear is a herb. Fortunately, the director of the school has an infusion of the Old Woman's Ear and in the last minute Saxana will drink it, because she fell in love with Honza.
"Saxana" is the first attempt of Vorlíček & Macourek in the genre. The movie - actually a little bit crazy comedy - was very successful even abroad and Vorlíček once said that the idea of the World of Fairy-Tales had attracted attention of West German producers, who had offered the "magicians from Prague" to create another title of this sort. It had lasted 9 years until Vorlíček & Macourek created Arabela (1980).
Petra Černocká, who also sings the title song, was a very popular young singer of that time. Jan Hrušínský, son of Rudolf Hrušínský sen., later acted in another Vorlíček's fairy-tale Jak se budí princezny (How princesses can be waked up, 1977). Jan Kraus and Vladimír Zavřel, the performers of rascals, later became known actors (especially Kraus now enjoys big popularity after his comeback in the end of the nineties).