Winnipeg, December 2, 2007 - St. Nicholas and his entourage once again remembered to visit the children of our Czech and Slovak community. On Sunday, December 2nd parents and grandparents with children and grandchildren by their sides assembled at the CCBA Hall, excited to see St. Nicholas. Prepared to impress St. Nicholas (and avoid the potential punishment of the frightening devil), children paraded to show off their talents proving to everyone that they were behaved throughout the year and are deserving of the presents from St. Nicholas and his two angels. Pictures provided by photographer Mrs. Jana Wenzel and Mr. Karel Bulandra tell the whole story. Many thanks to Mrs. Prazak and her volunteers for another memorable St. Nicholas day. Thank you!

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Keď prídu Vianoce, sviečka bliká a zvonček v bielej vločke cinká. Nastane pokoj, nebo plné hviezd, vianočné ticho a všade biely sneh. Je to čas sviatočný, keď stromček sa ligoce zo srdca prajem prekrásne Vianoce.
Letí k tebe darček z neba, je v ňom všetko, čo Ti treba. Šťastie, pokoj, láska, neha....Ježiško má rád aj Teba.
Na Vianoce, keď svet stíchne, nech Vám božie dieťa vdýchne, pokoj, radosť a posilu, nielen v túto svätú chvíľu, ale taktiež v novom roku, nech Vás vedie v každom kroku.
Radostné s pokojné prežitie sviatkov želá
Rodina Stauderova